
How to Cancel a Free Gift on Temu?

How to Cancel a Free Gift on Temu

One common promotional strategy employed by Temu involves providing free gifts with purchases.

While these complimentary items can be appealing, there may be instances when you find yourself uninterested in the free gift. On that note, here's how to cancel a free gift on Temu.

Temu provides a straightforward process to cancel or reject these free gifts. Simply log into your account, access the orders page and cancel the free gift before the order gets shipped.

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For a clear understanding on how this works, this guide will walk you through the steps and considerations for gracefully declining free gifts on Temu.

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What are Free Gifts on Temu?

What are Free Gifts on Temu?

Curious about what those free gifts are on Temu? Well, let me break it down for you. When you make a purchase on Temu, you might find a little something extra thrown in – a free gift.

These aren't just random trinkets; they're a clever marketing strategy aimed at sweetening the deal for customers.

These complimentary items vary from small accessories, like a nifty phone add-on, to more substantial goodies, such as wireless earbuds.

Now, here's the catch – even though they're labeled as "free," they do play a role in your overall order total. So, it's like a bonus surprise that won't cost you extra but adds to the value of your purchase.

Now, let's say the free gift isn't exactly what you were hoping for. No worries, Temu has got you covered. They keep it hassle-free by allowing you to cancel the gift if you don't wish to receive it.

How to Cancel a Free Gift on Temu?

How to Cancel a Free Gift on Temu

Canceling a free gift on Temu is a breeze, and here's your step-by-step guide to make it a seamless process:

1. Navigate to Your Order Details

Launch the Temu app and select "Profile" from the bottom navigation bar. Access your order history by tapping on "My Orders" and open the specific order containing the free gift you wish to cancel to view order details.

2. Select "Cancel Gift"

Within the order details, scroll down and locate the "Cancel Gift" option next to the free gift item. A pop-up will appear, prompting you to confirm the cancellation.

3. Confirm Your Decision

Click "Confirm" on the pop-up to complete the cancellation. The unwanted gift will be removed from your order, leading to an adjustment in the total order count.

What Happens When You Cancel a Free Gift on Temu?

So, you've made the decision to cancel a free gift on Temu – here's what unfolds in the aftermath:

Firstly, the free gift that you decided to cancel won't be making its way into your shipment. Instead, only the items from your initial order will be dispatched, streamlining your package to include exactly what you intended to receive.

Following the cancellation, your payment undergoes a swift adjustment to reflect the new and reduced order total. If you've already made the payment, fear not – Temu ensures a seamless process by promptly refunding the equivalent value of the canceled free gift back to your account.

Worried about hidden fees or penalties? Fear not. Temu takes pride in maintaining a transparent and customer-friendly approach. Canceling the free gift incurs no additional charges or penalties, making the entire process quick, straightforward, and, most importantly, hassle-free.

It's crucial to note that the cancellation exclusively pertains to the free gift; the rest of your order remains entirely unaffected.

How to Avoid Free Gifts on Temu?

How to Avoid Free Gifts on Temu?

If you prefer avoiding those free gifts on Temu, consider these tips:

To preemptively avoid unwanted free gifts, act swiftly. Cancel them before your order ships, granting Temu ample time for necessary adjustments. This proactive approach ensures a smoother transaction and prevents unnecessary items from making their way into your package.

Before cancelling the free gift, take a moment to review your order. Confirm that the free gift doesn't align with your needs or preferences and if it's something that you see yourself using in the future.

Don't hesitate to seek assistance from Temu's customer support. Their dedicated team is there to help navigate any challenges, ensuring a stress-free experience and resolving any issues that may arise during the cancellation procedure. Simply tap on the chat icon on the homepage to get connected to one of their support representatives.

How to contact Temu customer service

While the platform allows customization, excessive cancellations may impact your relationship with the service. Strive for balance to enjoy a smooth and mutually beneficial shopping experience.

Finally, if you constantly find yourself receiving unwanted gifts, take the initiative to communicate with Temu. Providing feedback helps them understand customer preferences better, potentially leading to more relevant and personalized future offers. Your input can contribute to an enhanced shopping experience for both you and fellow customers.


While receiving a free gift with a purchase may initially spark excitement, a closer examination might reveal that some gifts are simply not practical for you.

Fortunately, Temu provides an efficient method to cancel and reject unwanted free gifts, ensuring you only receive items of genuine interest.

By navigating to your order details, locating the free gift, and selecting "Cancel Gift," you can seamlessly remove undesired items from your order, adjust your payment, and avoid spending on unnecessary freebies.

Feel empowered to cancel gifts that don't enhance your overall shopping experience on Temu.

When can I cancel a free gift on Temu?

You can cancel a free gift at any time before the order ships. Timely cancellations allow Temu to make necessary adjustments. An easier option would be to remove the free gift from your order before placing it as this helps ease the whole gift cancellation process.

How long does it take to cancel a free Temu gift?

Canceling a free gift on Temu is a quick process, taking only a few seconds. Open your order, tap "Cancel Gift," confirm, and the removal is processed instantly.

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