As someone who’s always looking for great deals, I’ve turned to AliExpress for years. Once I discovered their branded replicas, my shopping habits totally changed.
I’ve picked up everything from Louis Vuitton bags to Nike sneakers without breaking the bank. But, as much as I love the bargains, I’ve had my fair share of disappointments.
Over time, I’ve learned the best ways to navigate AliExpress to find high-quality replicas and avoid the low-quality fakes that are all too common.
Here’s my journey with branded replicas, including tips, hidden links, and how you can shop smarter!
Aliexpress Brands | Aliexpress Hidden Links |
Louis Vuitton |
Check out LV Hidden Links Check out LV Accessories |
Givenchy | Check out Givenchy Hidden Links |
Yeezy | Check out Yeezy Hidden Links |
Apple Airpods | Check out Airpods Hidden Links |
Nike | Check out Nike Hidden Links |
Rolex | Check out Rolex Hidden Links |
Balenciaga | Check out Balenciaga Hidden Links |
Dior | Check out Dior Hidden Links |
Yves Saint Laurent | Check out YSL Hidden Links |
Prada | Check out Prada Hidden Links |
Rolex | Check out Rolex Hidden Links |
Charles & Keith | Check out Charles & Keith Hidden Links |
Gucci | Check out Gucci Hidden Links |
Chanel | Check out Chanel Hidden Links |
Cartier | Check out Cartier Hidden Links |
Versace | Check out Versace Hidden Links |
Omega | Check out Omega Hidden Links |
Burberry | Check out Burberry Hidden Links |
Zara | Check out Zara Hidden Links |
My Experience Buying and Using Branded Replica from AliExpress
When it comes to buying branded replicas on AliExpress, not everything is as it seems. I've learnt this the hard way because I've been duped while buying dupes a number of times.
There are many sellers on AliExpress that specialize in branded replicas and designer inspired clones, but after a few negative experiences, I now rely on buyer reviews before placing any order.Â
The first time I picked up a branded replica was of an Omega smartwatch. It did look genuine in the images and the cost was also quite affordable, but when I received the product I was appalled at how cheap it truly was.Â

This was the same case with a handbag I bought where it was advertised as a LV, but upon receiving the bag I noticed that none of the stitches were in line and the quality of the print work was shoddy.Â

There was even an instance where I contacted the seller after placing my order to find out where it was, but there was no reply from their end and I did not receive the bag.Â
Luckily AliExpress support was there to the rescue and I was able to get my money back. But the time I spent was a waste, and at the moment I felt that all the sellers would be the same.
The only good thing about buying branded replicas on AliExpress is that there's a wide variety of products to choose from and many of the sellers provide samples so I am able to check the quality of the finished product before investing more on their goods.

The overall quality of branded replicas such as Gucci, Prada, Nike, Louis Vuitton, Rolex and Omega to name a few, is quite impressive, as long as they're bought from the right seller.Â

These replicas can be worn out to public gatherings and no one will know the difference.
One problem that I did notice while buying branded replicas online is that none of the sellers use the brands name in their product titles, so it becomes confusing trying to locate the right product.Â
I did however manage to find what I was looking for by using the model name and number instead of the brand name. Also, keywords like branded replicas, branded first copes, designer dupes, and even branded clones helped me find what I was looking for.
But how do you find branded replicas on Aliexpress?
Here are the list of Aliexpress Hidden Links
Aliexpress Discount Codes
For New Customers on Aliexpress (New email address)
For Existing Customers of Aliexpress
- $4 OFF on Orders over $30 - CODE : 11NOV3
- $8 OFF on Orders over $60 - CODE : 11NOV08
- $11 OFF on Orders over $90 - CODE : 11NOV11
- $15 OFF on Orders over $130 - CODE : 11NOV015
- $20 OFF on Orders over $170 - CODE : 11NOV20
- $27 OFF on Orders over $230 - CODE : 11NOV27Â
There are hidden links and keywords that can be used to find the best branded replicas on Aliexpress and that's what we'll be covering in the article today. Some links are hidden and some are secret links on Aliexpress. But most of what we have listed are open links and there is no shady business.
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Branded Replicas on AliExpress & Hidden Links
Best Clothing Replicas on Aliexpress
We have to attend social programs and official ones on a daily basis and it is not always possible to wear branded clothes. But to present ourselves as elegant individuals, we don’t always need to wear original brands. Designer replicas are often high quality products that can be bought at affordable prices. Scroll down to find out Aliexpress vendors who offer Abercrombie and Billabong replicas at cheap rates.

Based in Guangdong, China, this store has been functioning since 2014. With more than 92% positive reviews, it offers the customers t-shirts, jeans, pants, hoodies and much more. They offer amazing discounts on all their products as well. YiRuisen mostly replicates the Abercrombie and Fitch designs and has all the options available in an exciting variety of colors. Customers can also choose from 6 different sizes. The clothes have an average price of $30 to $40 US dollars.
SAO Gas dye-in-the-wood Store

If you are a fitness enthusiast and looking for comfortable styles to wear to the gym, Alpinestars is probably what you have in mind. This Italian clothing brand is undoubtedly the best but way too expensive for daily use. That’s why you have SAO Gas-dye-in-the-wood Store in Aliexpress, offering the same designs at half the prices. They offer a wide variety of prints and colors for t-shirts, hoodies, pants and 3d printed clothes. Available in sizes up to 4XL, this Chinese store has everything you need without failing your budget.Â
APlusss Store

Shoes, t-shirts, hoodies or sweatshirts, get the perfect Balenciaga replicas at half the prices from this store in Aliexpress. The trendy styles and interesting prints will surely turn heads in every room you walk in. available in a number of sizes and colors, these clothes are comfortable and classy, just like the authentic Balenciaga.Â
As for Store

When you are trying to build an elegant wardrobe, undergarments are of utmost importance. And the first brand that comes to mind is Calvin Klein while choosing the right underwear! Aliexpress has got you covered in this department too. Check out the Shop911215230 Store to shop the best and most amazing Calvin Klein replicas that exist in the market. The prices at this store are affordable, the discounts are jaw-dropping and the choices, unending!
La La Drop Shipping Store

Gap has been upping its hoodie game with colors, design and style, ever since its inception. It is the go to brand when it comes to comfy hooded jackets and sweatshirts in winter. You can get the similar designs and colors from La La Drop Shipping Store on Aliexpress. Not only hoodies, you can also grab some trendy jackets, shorts, coats, pants, t-shirts and clothes for your munchkins at astonishingly low prices from this vendor.Â
This store has all VIP links that lets you get custom branded clothing of your choice. All the biggest clothing brands in the world are covered here.
Best Shoe Replica Brands on Aliexpress
Your sportswear collection can never be complete without some Adidas, Puma or Nike sneakers. And the great news is, you don’t have to part with your savings to get them. Scroll down to find out the best brands in Aliexpress that offer the perfect replicas of these classic brands.Â
Asics Replicas

If you love Asics and want to enjoy its quality at cheap prices, look up for the Shop911236159 Store in Aliexpress. They offer not only Asics but also Nike replicas. The store also has all kinds of variety that the original brands do and that too in six different sizes. Be it a running shoe or a canvas, a skateboarding shoe or an Air Jordan, grab them all without worrying about the budget.Â
Adidas Replicas Â

Running or walking is a great way to not only keep yourself fit but also to get some fresh air. And to do that you need some long lasting and comfortable shoes. Adidas has been one of the most popular names in the footwear market and for good reasons. There is absolutely no doubt about the quality of Adidas footwear, but their prices are a whole other store. That’s why you have Aliexpress that offers its customers some mind-blowing replicas of the brand. From sassy prints to sophisticated colors, you can own them all at affordable prices. So find one that suits you the best from the link below.
Nike Replicas

Flexibility and comfortable padding is what Nike is known for. Their shows not only have impressive designs but also support your arches and ankles perfectly. Aliexpress has a wide array of vendors, offering the exact replicas of the brand. They have similar colors and designs – all at affordable prices. So find out your favorite Nike design from the link below and show off some style during the next gym session.Â
Puma Replicas

This iconic brand has some drool-worthy designs that every sports fanatic dreams of. The exclusive color combinations and technical materials make these sneakers, make these sneakers an ideal choice for hiking and trekking. Vendors like SHEOS 001 and Aj Trading on Aliexpress have some mind-blowing replicas of this popular brand. Therefore, stop fretting over Puma’s price range and follow the link below to grab the exact same design at half the cost on Aliexpress.Â
Yeezy Replica Store

Yeezy’s are some of the most popular shoes in the world and probably some of the most comfortable sneakers you can buy. But they are extremely expensive and not everyone can afford a pair. That’s where the Ozhsmy Alisa Store comes into the picture.Â
This replica store sells some of the best copies of shoes that are available in the market at an extremely low price so everyone can afford a pair. They have a wide range of products that are not only affordable but are something that you would definitely wear on a daily basis.
Whether you’re in the market for a good pair of running shoes or sports shoes, simply access the Ozhsmy Alisa Store and begin your purchase. Their products are available in all sizes and colors so there’s pretty much something for everyone. If you’re interested in checking out their store, click on the link below and get blown away.
Best Replica Watch Bands on Aliexpress
Now that you have found the right clothes and shoes, it is time to choose the perfect watch to complete your look. Aliexpress has got some incredible options for replica watches as well. From Cartier to Rolex and Casio to Omega, this e-commerce site has got it all at reasonable and pocket-friendly prices.
Cartier Replicas

Be it an analogue dial or a digital one, nothing can beat the sophisticated designs of Cartier. Chinese stores like BOBO BIRD, Anime House and MyZeil on Aliexpress have some near perfect replicas of this iconic brand. They replicate almost all of Cartier’s designs and the watches are available at reasonable prices. Myriads of choices are available to cater to all kinds of tastes and preferences. Grab the one that suits your fashion statement from the link below.
Citizen Watch Replicas

Citizen is a pioneering name when it comes to watch-making and innovative technology. Their products are known for their excellence and creativity. You can find the same quality and designs promoted by Citizen as a surprisingly reasonable rate in Aliexpress. Stores like Nino Viejo, Outlet watches and MAIKES Official have some trendy Citizen replicas that will compliment your look perfectly. Watch accessories and bands are also separately available at these stores.Â
Omega ReplicasÂ
If you are into collecting various watches then Omega is a brand that you absolutely have to own. This Swiss luxury brand has a rich heritage that dates back to the 19th century. The iconic stainless steel professional designs are the most sought after watches in the world. But their prices may not always be affordable for all of us. That’s Alixpress has got us covered. It has vendors like Sight Focus and Shenzhen Baishang Co. Ltd that offer flawless replicas of this brand. With a wide variety of designs available, these vendors are surely the favorites of the Aliexpress customers from around the world.Â
Seiko Replicas

If the above mentioned brands do not suit your taste and you are a fan of Seiko watches, then good news! Aliexpress has Seiko replicas too. Zen and SuppleJacks are the two most popular Chinese stores on this e-commerce site that offers exact replicated designs of Seiko watches. Find out the one that suits your taste from the link below.
Rolex Watch Replicas

The GoLong store has been open for over 4 years and has managed to receive a decent 97.5% positivity rating with over 3k followers on AliExpress. This store specializes in luxury replicas of high-end watches such as Rolex and the occasional Swatch watches.Â
They have a wide collection of luxury watches for every type of adult out there and are inexpensive so you can easily afford a copy. Their customers have been satisfied and based on their reviews, the watches were delivered in a timely manner and were made from high-quality materials.
If you’re looking for a nice watch to wear on a dinner date or to a business meeting, the Rolex replicas from the GoLong store are something you should consider buying.
Best Jewelry Replicas on AliExpress

There are many sellers on AliExpress that deal in knockoff jewelry and replicas of brands such as Tiffany, Chanel, Cartier and Pandora.
Each of these sellers offer high quality pieces that are crafted with great attention to detail and every piece is an exact replica of the original design. However, the only difference between the ones sold on AliExpress and the original is that the replicas won't carry the branding of Tiffany or Cartier, but the design will be the same.
Another thing is that most of the sellers on AliExpress retail pieces that are made from Silver and plated with either gold or rose gold, whereas there are a few who deal in authentic gold jewelry with real gem stones and these won't cost more than a couple of hundred dollars a piece.
Some jewelry sellers you must check out for designer replicas are:
- Wostu Official - Tiffany and Cartier Replicas
- Bamoer Official - Tiffany Replicas
- MeibaPJ FS Jewelry - Chanel and Cartier Reps
- Lotus Fun - Tiffany and Pandora Replica Jewelry
Best Luxury Brand ReplicasÂ
Affluent millennials and social media influencers have surly popularized looks that feature luxury brands like Bvlgari, Burberry, Gucci or Emporio Armani. Their qualities are more or less the same but what distinguishes them is their design. At Aliexpress, you can find some great stores that will give you the best quality luxury brand designs, without draining out your wallet.Â
Michael Kors ReplicaÂ

In case you like owning different chic and classy design bags, Michael Kors must be in your bucket list. This brand has long been a hot favorite among women who prefer its supple leather and high-quality metal hardware. Chinese stores Infinite Beads and Beauty Bags at Aliexpress offer the best replicas of the Michael Kors designs. Grab your favorites by clicking on the links below.
Louis Vuitton ReplicasÂ

Owning some elegant Louis Vuitton bags is what every fashion enthusiast in this world dreams of. While Aliexpress has a number of vendors selling high-quality Louis V bags, Viiya& Store, luyo Official Store and Youlaiya Store are some of the bests. Follow links below to find out the bags that suit not only your taste but also your budget.Â
Now that you know where to find the cheap luxury brand replicas, get yourself the designs that you have been waiting to try on for a while. Aliexpress also has jaw-dropping replicas of brands like Marc Jacobs, Hugo Boss, Gucci, Christian Louboutine and many more. Grab then all and ace that Instagram aesthetics game like a pro!
Burberry Replica Store

The BXX store on AliExpress is one of the best places to pick up a luxury bag for cheap. Yes, their products have been made from high-quality materials and are some of the most sought after designs in the market.
A majority of their high-quality bags are on discount and can be yours for under $50. You can choose from a range of leather backpacks, rucksacks, personalized chain bags, cross body bags and even bucket bags and evening bags.
This store has a positivity rating of 96.7% and has some of the best deals on AliExpress today. Follow the link below to find the right luxury branded replica bags depending on your budget and preference.
Tips when buying branded replicas from AliExpress hidden links
Before you can go on and buy some branded reps from AliExpress, there are a couple of things you need to know so you know that you've made the right decision.
Firstly, talk to each seller before making your purchase. You can use the chat or message option to get in touch with the seller and clarify any doubts you may have pertaining to the shipping, delivery, address, quality and so on.
You should also avoid using the free shipping service when purchasing high value products. Free shipping is the most economical of the lot, but because the service is free, there are greater chances that your package can get lost in transit or damaged. Choose a premium shipping service like FedEx or DHL and rest assured that your package will arrive safely.
Another point to remember, if you're buying branded replicas then make sure you spend a decent sum of money on the product and don't go too low on what you're willing to pay. There are many reps available in different price brackets and the more expensive the product is, the better its quality.
Since you're buying in bulk and from overseas, you might have to pay import duties on your shipment. Sometimes the seller may help you out and meet you half way, but a majority of the times you will have to take care of the import fees on your own. Make sure to check your local import duties and laws before making a purchase otherwise your shipment will be held back and you may have to pay a fee to have the package released.
What is AliExpress hidden links?
Aliexpress hidden links are the ones that sell fakes and dupes on Aliexpress. These aren't publicly marketed like other normal products. Hidden links also sometimes have some other product's image and description, whereas in fact it sells a fake or a dupe. This is done to avoid Aliexpress banning the seller or closing down a link because of copyright issues. It's quite hard to find Aliexpress hidden links.
How do you find hidden sales on AliExpress?
Hidden sales on Aliexpress are similar to hidden links. There are various sources like Reddit threats, Aliexpress focused websites, Telegram channels that share the details of these hidden sales.
How do you find dupes on AliExpress?
There are a few ways to find dupes on Aliexpress. The first method is to use a keyword that is an abbreviation of the brand name. Like Louis Vuitton would be LV. But it's getting harder to find dupes with these abbreviations. Now the main method is to use a generic KW like "Designer Bags" or "Jumpman". In the first case, you'll see bags from Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada and Versace. In the second case, you'll find Air Jordan replicas.
The other method to find dupes on Aliexpress is to access hidden links.
Does AliExpress sell real brands?
Aliexpress does sell real brands. But not luxury brands. ALiexpress sells real products of electronic brands and home product brands. Luxury brands on Aliexpress are mostly fake or are Chinese brands.
How to find Gucci on AliExpress?
For those looking for Gucci handbags or shoes on AliExpress, simply entering the keyword Gucci will not bring up many products. Sellers on AliExpress tend to use alternative keywords such as GG brand or Designer G while showcasing their products. Some might even use names such as Marmont, Horsebit, or GG Supreme which are actually model names of their bags.
How to find Louis Vuitton Dupes on DHgate?
Much like how difficult it is to find Gucci, Prada and other designer brands on AliExpress, searching for Louis Vuitton is next to impossible if you simply use Louis Vuitton as the search phrase. To find plenty of Louis Vuitton dupes, simply use the terms LV or Designer L brand while searching for their bags. The products that appear in the search results will not have branding present in the photos, but you can check with the seller and request for additional pictures of the bag before placing an order.
Top Nike Shoes Sellers on AliExpress