You’ve probably heard the expression that something is “the pits.” That’s because tattoos are often placed on areas of the body that aren’t used to being exposed to the light of day, like your armpits or the small of your back. When you get a tattoo on a sensitive area, you can bet it will hurt a little bit. After all, you’re injecting ink under your skin and there are nerve endings there that respond to pressure. But what does it feel like when you take things from bad to bone-chilling? How much pain is too much pain when getting a tattoo?
If you have ever gotten a tattoo then you know that they don't exactly tickle. It's not the first time we've heard those words: can a tattoo gun hit a bone? The answer may surprise you. And if not, perhaps this article will amuse you instead!
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Can you tattoo over bones?
The thought of tattooing over bones may sound a bit strange, and you may be wondering if it’s even possible—not to mention safe. The answer is yes, you can tattoo over bones. However, it’s important to take certain precautions and consider certain elements before undergoing the procedure.
Tattooing over bones requires an experienced tattoo artist and a lot of precision. Unlike tattooing over muscle, the lines having to be drawn need to be much thinner and lighter. This is because the bone is much harder and will not have nearly as much movement, as compared to muscle tissue.
Since bone tattoos are much smaller than traditional tattoos, the process requires more concentration and requires the artist to be even more skilled. Furthermore, due to the hard surface of the bone, regular needles won’t work. Instead, the artist will need to use special needles built for tattooing over bones which are much softer and are designed to produce finer and lighter lines.
On top of that, the equipment and aftercare that’s necessary for a bone tattoo is also very different from a traditional tattoo. To prevent infection, a lot of blood and fluid must be wiped away—which means that the bone must be kept dry at all times. Also, the type of ink used on bones must be much thinner and lighter than the ink used on regular tattoos.
Due to the complexity of the process, it’s extremely important that the tattoo artist understands how to properly use the equipment, as well as how to properly care for the tattoo once it’s finished. If proper measures and techniques aren’t followed carefully, there’s a high risk of infection.

Does tattooing on bone hurt? The dull, throbbing pain of tattooing
The majority of the pain you experience during the tattooing process comes from the dull throb that comes from having your skin punctured thousands of times with the tattoo gun. The pain of tattooing comes from the pressure that is applied during the process. The gun applies a tiny amount of pressure in order to pierce the top layer of your skin and deliver the pigment.
Tattooing on bone is an ancient art form that has been around for hundreds of years, but the question remains - does it hurt? As an experienced tattoo artist, I can tell you that definitely there is a level of discomfort when undergoing the process of getting a tattoo on the bone. Beyond that though, the amount of pain one experiences depends on the individual and the location of the tattoo in question.
First, it's important to understand that when a tattoo is applied to the bone, the artist must be extra careful to ensure they are not puncturing too deeply. This can make the process take longer than a normal tattoo as the artist needs to be precise in their depth control. Also, since the needle is entering the body at an angle (usually pointing towards the centre of the body), it results in pressure being put on the sensitive areas which can cause an uncomfortable sensation.
It also depends on the area of the body being tattooed. Areas like the sternum or ribs are generally much more sensitive than other areas due to the proximity of the bone to the surface. Plus, these areas have more nerve endings which can make the pain more intense. However, with a steady hand and the right amount of time, a skilled artist can make the process much more bearable.
The type of needle used can also affect the degree of pain felt. Many tattooers opt for a traditional dip needle, which is more precise than a regular needle. The dip needle penetrates the skin at a much slower pace, resulting in less pain when compared to a regular needle. In addition, some artists use a vibrating tattoo machine which is designed to reduce the pain and make the process more comfortable.
The pressure is so minimal that it is often compared to the pressure you would feel if you were to scratch your arm with a piece of paper. The pain of tattooing is different for everyone, but for the most part it is dull and achy. You may feel it building as the artist works on different parts of your body, but it will likely never feel like a sharp pain.
The pain of hitting a bone
If you have a scar on a sensitive area of your body, like your back, you may want to get it tattooed. Most people choose to get a tattoo in order to cover up an existing scar, but tattoos can also be done on top of existing tattoos. Depending on the area that you are trying to cover, you may hit a bone. Every part of your body is made up of a different density of tissue and nerves. If you get a tattoo that goes over a bone, you may experience a stinging pain that is worse than any pain you’ve ever felt. For example, if you get a tattoo on the small of your back and you hit a bone, the pain will likely be too much to handle. You might even have to stop the artist at some point, especially if you have a very sensitive pain threshold.
Why does it hurt so much?
The reason that hitting a bone causes so much pain is that the bone is closer to the surface of your skin than other parts of your body. Every part of the skin has nerves running through it. Some parts of the skin are thicker than others and have more nerves. The largest amount of nerves is located in the skin on the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. The skin on the bones of your body is very thin. It has very few nerves and will feel almost nothing. The skin on the bones has the same amount of nerves as the skin on the palms of your hands. That means that hitting a bone with a needle full of ink will feel as if you are hitting a nerve ending in the skin of your hands.
Tattooing on sensitive areas of your body
Certain parts of your body are naturally more sensitive than others. Your armpits, for example, are a very sensitive part of your body. The skin in your armpits is very thin and has a lot of nerves. It’s not a part of your body that you’re used to having touched or having pressure applied to it. The major difference between a part of your body that is naturally sensitive, like your armpits, and a part of your body that is less sensitive, like your back, is the thickness of your skin. That’s why hitting a bone in your back is so much different than hitting one in your armpits.
Can a tattoo gun go too deep?
Let’s first talk about the experience and knowledge of the tattoo artist. Many of the most experienced and talented artists have the skill and understanding of the equipment that comes from years of practice. They likely have a good sense of how much pressure is needed to properly deliver the ink and just as importantly, how not to go too deep. On the other hand, less experienced artists may be more prone to being heavy handed with the tattoo gun.
Next, the type of tattoo can affect the risk for going too deep. Generally, outlines and solid black tattoos require the deepest penetration of the skin, while color tattoos require less depth. Therefore, one should usually be more cautious with outline and solid black tattoos and consider using lighter pressure with the tattoo gun to ensure a safe depth of ink penetration.
Finally, even with a talented and experienced artist and the correct pressure with the tattoo gun, the client’s individual skin type can still pose a risk. Some clients may have skin that is thinner and more sensitive than usual, meaning that it takes less pressure with the tattoo gun to get too deep. In addition to asking questions about the skin during the consultation, it is best for the artist to use caution when tattooing the client and pay attention to any signs that the ink is running too deep.
What can you do to make the process less painful?
If you have a sensitive area of your body and are worried about the level of pain you will experience, there are a few things you can do to make the process less painful. - Take an anti-inflammatory like aspirin or ibuprofen before getting a tattoo. This will help reduce the swelling and inflammation that happens after getting a tattoo. - Stay hydrated. This can help reduce the amount of swelling that occurs after getting a tattoo. - Get a design that isn’t too detailed. Tattoos applied to areas of your body that are sensitive are less likely to have detail. - Ask the artist to use a smaller needle. A smaller needle will cause less pain and is often used on sensitive areas of your body.
If you’ve ever gotten a tattoo then you know that they don't exactly tickle. It's not the first time we've heard those words: can a tattoo gun hit a bone? The answer may surprise you. And if not, perhaps this article will amuse you instead! If you are looking to get a tattoo, you might want to consider getting it applied to an area of your body that isn’t sensitive in order to avoid unnecessary pain.