
Do Tattoos Really Bleed

do tattoos bleed

Tattoos are a popular body modification choice for many people. They can be a way to express yourself or to show off your artistic side. But before you get inked, you might wonder: do tattoos bleed while tattooing?

Why Do Tattoos Bleed?

Why Do Tattoos Bleed

The reason a tattoo bleeds is that the needles are puncturing the tiny blood vessels under your skin. Several variables affect how much it bleeds. The most frequent causes of excessive amounts of blood flowing from a tattoo include:

  • You have an issue with bleeding.
  • You take drugs to thin your blood.
  • You bleed more than most individuals do.
  • Under the skin, there are more blood vessels at the tattoo's location.
  • Ibuprofen or other medications were used before getting the tattoo.
  • You drank alcohol right before being inked.

Everybody has a unique body. Even healthy people have different platelet counts and other blood clotting factors. The same person may bleed profusely from one tattoo spot but not another.

It depends on the distribution of blood arteries through the skin and differences in blood pressure between the two regions.

Unless you have a very uncommon medical condition, you seldom lose much blood from a tattoo and never risk bleeding out. Some tattoos, especially the little ones, hardly bleed at all.

After getting a tattoo, using painkillers or blood thinners may cause the bleeding to last longer. Eventually, the body's natural clotting and scabbing mechanisms cease the bleeding. The quantity of bleeding during tattoo depends on the tattoo's size and placement.

Does Every Fresh Tattoo Bleed, And If So, How Long Do They Bleed?

Does Every Fresh Tattoo Bleed, And If So, How Long Do They Bleed

There will undoubtedly be blood, but how much precisely will depend on several different conditions; the same is true for the potential duration of post-tattoo bleeding.

After your tattoo is finished, it will often continue to bleed a mixture of blood, ink, and plasma for between 12 and 36 hours (on average 24 hours). Your skin will recover sufficiently after this period for the scabbing process to successfully halt the leaks.

However, your tattoo may bleed more, for instance, if you drink alcohol or take ibuprofen or painkillers right before your tattoo appointment, as these substances all have blood-thinning effects. The same applies if you take a blood thinner on a prescription.

These side effects may cause more blood to seep out of the minute needle holes created during your sessions and may also make it more difficult for clots and scabs to develop, which may prolong the time it takes for your tattoo to stop bleeding afterward.

But remember that everyone is unique, and some individuals will bleed more or less based on their genetic and blood make-up.

Depending on the blood pressure in each area, tattooing certain body regions may also result in increased bleeding.

My shoulders serve as an illustration of this; after getting both tattooed, for some reason, they bled significantly more than the rest of my arms (although this was no problem and everything worked out fine).

However, since everyone is unique, your shoulder tattoos might not draw nearly as much blood as mine.

What Should I Do To Stop My Tattoo From Bleeding Ink?

It might be frustrating when the ink bleeds excessively, but there are a few things you can do to decrease or even eliminate the bleeding.

Rub Off Your Tattoo

You can gently remove the ink that has seeped from the area surrounding the tattoo with a wipe or towel. Avoid running on the tattoo to prevent the artwork from being ruined.

Once the tattoo artist has wrapped your tattoo with plastic, you may initially observe bleeding. Once the wrap has been removed, you can wipe or do it if the liquid is leaking past the wrap.

Using Hot Water And Soap, Wash

Using Hot Water And Soap, Wash

The easiest technique to stop the ink from bleeding is to clean with water and soap, which is one of the key aftercare procedures. Apply a gentle circular motion with an antibacterial soap around your tattoo before washing it with warm water.

This procedure will assist in clearing out any leftover blocked ink. Antibacterial wipes may also be used as a finishing touch to give your tattoo a clean appearance. You can keep doing this cleansing process even if the bleeding resumes.

The first two measures you should do are the two best methods for immediately stopping your tattoo from bleeding, which was already mentioned. You may do a few more things to stop the ink from leaking from your tattoo before your visit.

It is advised to avoid alcohol intake before getting inked since it thins the blood, which makes it more uncomfortable and challenging for the ink to penetrate the skin. You will experience more ink bleeding as your skin rejects more ink.

You must also research the many tattoo artists in your area and select the finest one with positive ratings. Visits to amateur tattoo artists may increase the likelihood of ink bleeding.

One of the rare causes of significant ink bleeding is when the tattoo artist injects the ink too forcefully and incorrectly into your skin. However, it's not always the tattoo artist's fault if the skin's dermis cannot absorb enough ink.

However, skilled and qualified tattoo artists know how to handle these circumstances appropriately and professionally.

What to Do If a New Tattoo Doesn’t Stop Bleeding

What to Do If a New Tattoo Doesn’t Stop Bleeding

In certain circumstances, the volume of blood you observe in the first 48 to 72 hours may overwhelm you. At this point, your body begins a process known as weeping to remove any bacteria or irritants from the wound so that the scabbing stage may begin.

Some individuals may find this stage rather alarming, so we prepared a full post.

In this time, if you observe blood, try not to panic. This is all a natural part of the healing process, and your tattoo is not losing any of its priceless ink.

However, what if your tattoo is still bleeding after 72 hours? What if the bleeding from your tattoo is excessive?

An inexperienced and aggressive tattoo artist may be to blame for an excessive amount of blood. Due to the intensity of the abrasions, what you may have initially believed to be tattooing may be a type of scarification.

This is why it's crucial that you do some preliminary research on reputable, professional painters.

You can also see more blood than usual if you consume alcohol just after getting a tattoo or take an aspirin to relieve the pain. Your tattoo's design won't be ruined, but this may make the healing process more difficult or take longer. You won't be able to appreciate it for as long.

Additionally, some people may start engaging in vigorous activities soon after their session because they do not treat their new tattoo like an acute wound.

This can lead to a substantial amount of blood and reopening of the incision. Check out our post, Can You Work Out With A New Tattoo?

A possible infection is an ultimate reason for heavy bleeding or bleeding that persists for more than 72 hours. Although they are scarce, tattoo infections might be brought on by:

  • Unseasoned artists
  • Unhygienic circumstances
  • Poor follow-up
  • Serious repercussions from using aftercare products
  • Infection-related bleeding is typically accompanied by other symptoms like
  • A red stripe that goes past your tattoo
  • excessive discomfort or swelling
  • rash or blisters
  • cold or fever
  • You can feel the heat on your skin.

Talk to your tattoo artist if the infection is ever a worry; they may have advice or suggestions that you get medical help if necessary. More information regarding how do i know my tattoo is infected.

If you discover that your tattoo is heavily bleeding, you have the following options:

  • Reduce your alcohol intake, stay away from blood thinners, and take pain relievers like Tylenol instead.
  • Give it some time; during the grieving period, your tattoo could just be doing its magic.
  • Steer clear of demanding activities.
  • Improve your aftercare strategy since you might not have thoroughly rinsed the product or plasma off.
  • Talk to your artist about your worries; they could reassure you that this is typical.
  • Speak with a medical expert who will allay your concerns or propose a course of therapy.

Can You Fix A Blowout?

The ink that has spilled out surrounding the tattoo cannot be removed. However, there are a few approaches to solving the issue.

You may maintain the tattoo with careful laser treatment while getting rid of the blowout's telltale indications. Success is based on the density of the tattoo and the blowout size.

If you don't want to maintain the tattoo exactly as it is, you may have another design placed over the same area to hide it. Going to a renowned artist who will perform a decent job is advised because this needs some level of artistic expertise on the artist's side.

You could be better off seeing a different tattoo artist if the original tattoo's blowout was caused by the original artist's inexperience or lousy skill.

If the tattoo is relatively modest, a tattooist may add a few embellishments, concealing the ink bleeds while leaving the original tattoo in place. In this instance, the tattoo could need a few small alterations.

The final option is to cover up the tattoo completely. Depending on the size of the tattoo, this can be costly and uncomfortable, needing several appointments.

What Can You Anticipate If You Have A Tattoo?

A few things that could first shock you will occur during or after getting a tattoo. However, you can prevent them and deal with those problems appropriately.


Scabbing is a typical, yet uncomfortable procedure that happens as your tattoo is healing. If your tattoo shows scabbing symptoms, it signifies the healing process is proceeding well.

You will feel itchy and want to scratch your tattoo, but try your best to avoid the impulse. Scratching wouldn't do much other than ruining the design, which is the last thing you want when your tattoo is still healing.

What Can You Anticipate If You Have A Tattoo

During and After the Tattooing Process, Bleeding

One of the most frequent problems you'll encounter during and after getting a tattoo is ink bleeding. Your immune system begins working to remove the ink as soon as it is injected into your skin.

This also occurs when an excessive amount of ink is injected into the waste, causing excessive ink bleeding.


Since the tattooing machine causes stress to your skin, redness and edema will likely appear following the procedure. It takes a few days for everything to return to normal.


You could see a few pimples forming close to your tattoo, and the major cause of this might be excessive moisturizer usage. Therefore, be careful to use the appropriate one in the appropriate quantity.


FAQs About Do You Bleed When Getting A Tattoo

Do Old Tattoos Bleed Ink?

Tattoos typically bleed ink while they are healing. However, it's possible that you can get an infection instead of experiencing ink bleeding. After your tattoo has finished healing, blowouts and infections are pretty typical.

You're not caring for your tattoo correctly or overexposing it to the sun, which is one of the primary causes. The first two weeks of the healing phase are when the major inked bleeding occurs.

Is It Normal To Bleed While Getting A Tattoo?

When you bleed more than usual, it might be difficult for the artist to see, affecting the design's quality. Additional bleeding might weaken the ink. Of course, drinking affects judgment, and you don't want to make significant judgments while under the influence.

How Can Tattoo Ink Be Prevented From Leaking Onto Clothing?

While bleeding, the ink could get on your clothing; however, there are a few things you can do to stop the ink from destroying your clothing. Wearing clothing that doesn't directly touch the region your tattoo is on is the first thing you need to do.

For instance, it's ideal for wearing flowy shorts or a skirt rather than tight or slim jeans if you have tattoos on your thighs or legs. It's better to wear anything sleeveless or backless if you have a tattoo on your hand or back.

It's better to avoid wearing new clothing if you have all of your garments on during the ink leaking procedure. Wear anything old that you want to get rid of in a few days, or choose loose clothing that won't adhere to your body.

Use anti-bacterial wipes to reduce bleeding while treating the area, often with hot water and soap. Try to stay inside to avoid exposing the regions to outside pollutants.

Can A New Tattoo Be Ruined By Bleeding Too Much Ink In Tattoo?

When you receive a tattoo for the first time, ink bleeding is highly typical, but this does not imply that your tattoo is damaged. Failure to do the recommended aftercare procedures and continuously cleaning the ink that has spread on your tattoo's outside parts may cause the bleeding to destroy your tattoo.

As a result, taking precautions like wiping with warm water and a towel is crucial if you don't want the ink that leaked to dry on your skin. Leaving the ink alone will only result in fading and scabbing.

You may also continue to use antibacterial wipes and excellent lotion to keep your tattoo hydrated. Avoid using scented lotions since they will make your skin drier and may harm it, increasing the chance of infection. Not to mention that it may be far worse than your tattoo's ink bleeding.

People frequently become concerned when ink leaks from a tattoo, especially when they weren't expecting it. However, it's ideal to remain calm and follow the aftercare instructions to reduce bleeding and leave you with a stunning, flawlessly healed tattoo.

When Should You Call The Artist And A Doctor?

As a general guideline, the tattoo shouldn't be noticeably uneven or bumpy. While swelling skin in that area is typical, a tattoo that is too bumpy or 3D is undesirable. It is concerning if there are bubbles, outbreaks, or blisters.

Call the artist to let him know that there may be further bleeding, and then dial 911 for medical assistance. A tattoo that oozes, bleeds, and/or is rough and scorching might be infected. Since the tattoo artist is helpless at this point, you must visit a doctor as soon as possible.


Now that you know what to expect when getting a tattoo and how to deal with tattoo bleeding while healing, you're ready to get your first tattoo! Just remember to use this information to help you plan for your tattoo and ensure you're prepared for anything. Thanks for reading!

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