
How Does Tattoo Removal Work - Procedure, Benefits And Cost

how does tattoo removal work

If you have a tattoo you're no longer happy with, you may consider tattoo removal. There are a few things to remember when making this decision, such as how does tattoo removal work, how much it will cost, and whether or not it will be painful. In this post, Restorbio can answer all of your questions and help you make the best decision for your needs.

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How A Tattoo Is Performed

You must first comprehend the process of acquiring a tattoo and how it might be removed. Your body's immune system sends white blood cells to the tattooed region to remove as many ink particles as possible once tattoo ink has penetrated the middle layer of your skin.

The tattoo design is left behind when larger particles that the cells could not break down are left behind. These cells gradually break down the bigger particles, which results in natural fading.

How A Tattoo Is Performed

How Do Laser Tattoo Removals Work

Lasers may erase tattoos by dispersing the pigment hues with a strong light beam. As the black tattoo ink absorbs all laser wavelengths, it is the most straightforward color to remove.

The pigment color determines what kind of laser is used to eliminate other colors. Tattoos typically leave scars and are never entirely erased.

Lasers may erase tattoos by dispersing the pigment hues with a strong light beam. As the black tattoo ink absorbs all laser wavelengths, it is the most straightforward color to remove. Based on the pigment color, specific lasers can only cure other hues.

You should first arrange a meeting with a qualified specialist who can assess your tattoo and provide instructions on the procedure. Your tattoo's age, size, and color(s) will determine how many treatments you require.

The removal method will also be influenced by the color of your skin and how deeply the pigment is embedded in the tattoo.

How Do Laser Tattoo Removals Work

Generally speaking, the following might be anticipated during a laser tattoo removal session:

  • You will receive a set of safety eye shields.
  • To find the best energy for treatment, the technician will examine how your skin responds to the laser.
  • Only the tattoo pigment will be consumed by the laser's powerful light pulses as they travel through the top layers of skin.

Less pulses will be needed to erase smaller tattoos than bigger ones and vice versa. Any scenario will require several sessions to remove a tattoo completely. After each visit, your tattoo should get gradually lighter.

Although painful laser tattoo removal, most individuals don't require an anesthetic. Depending on where your tattoo is located, you might wish to use a topical anesthetic lotion beforehand.

Use an ice pack to calm the affected region immediately after the therapy. Additionally, bandage it for protection and apply an antibiotic cream or ointment. You should also ensure it's protected by sunscreen when you're outside.

What Kind Of Tattoos Are Removable?

Most tattoos can be successfully erased with today's laser tattoo removal technology, but not all tattoos can. Age, color, location, ink density, and other elements can all affect how successfully a tattoo can be removed.

The greatest candidates for tattoo removal are often older since the ink particles disintegrate over time and are simpler to remove. Due to its greater ability to absorb light than other hues, black ink is usually the simplest to erase.

When using laser tattoo removal, skin type also matters. Certain ink colors cannot be targeted because darker skin tones have more melanin. All skin types can safely be treated with black ink; however, individuals with darker complexion should exercise caution to prevent skin harm.

All of these elements are considered while creating your unique treatment plan. On a range of skin tones, ages, and tattoo sites, we have great success rates with total removal.

Factors Affect Tattoo Removal


Your body's capacity to eliminate the ink might be hampered by leading an unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking or vaping and by exposing the treated region to direct sunlight.

General wellness

Your immune system prioritizes chronic healing illnesses and being ill. This may slow down the removal of the ink from your skin.


Your immune system and metabolism both decline with aging. Immune systems that are younger or more active will clear ink more quickly.

Factors Affect Tattoo Removal

Location of tattoo

Tattoos closer to the circulatory system and in places with strong blood flow can be removed more quickly.

Color of Ink

The removal's effectiveness depends on the color of your ink and your skin tone.

Skin Color

Your skin tone may influence the results of the laser removal and the laser settings that your technician utilizes.

Addressing Your Pain-Related Concerns Tattoo

Addressing Your Pain-Related Concerns Tattoo

It might take a few seconds of laser removal to remove a dime-sized tattoo from the forearm, which would be bearable. Larger tattoos on the lower back may cause more pain since they take longer to remove.

In addition to offering chilled compressed air, there are other things we may do to lessen our clients' pain. The actions we are now doing to enhance your tattoo removal experience are listed below.

Managing Expectations

You'll probably boost your likelihood of feeling pain if you anticipate it. Most individuals compare tattoo removal procedures to getting a tattoo and are amazed by how quickly the procedure is finished. As always, we are there to assist you throughout the procedure, and you are welcome to request a break if necessary.

Throughout the Therapy

A countdown for the test site will be provided together with careful customer service so that you are ready when the therapy starts.

Exercises that improve breathing, such as the 4-square rhythmic breathing, can ease the pain.

  • Take a slow, four-count inhalation through your nose.
  • For four counts, hold your breath.
  • For a count of four, exhale through your mouth.
  • For four counts, hold your breath.
  • Repeat.

Tattoo Removal Cost

Although the cost of tattoo removal varies from person to person, you can typically plan to spend between $200 and $500 for each procedure. This is a typical average, so be sure to speak with our specialists to ascertain your exact price.

Of course, there are a lot of variables that affect the exact amount you will spend in the end. Below, we go through these as well as a few cost-cutting strategies.

Tattoo Removal Cost

What Elements Affect Tattoo Removal Cost?

The final cost of removing your tattoo will depend on a small number of variables. Your specific tattoo removal may include special conditions, so be sure to speak with our staff to understand the range of expenses.

Treatments Performed

In the long run, you would pay more the more sessions you require to finish the tattoo removal. The average number of sessions needed to remove a tattoo is six.

Depending on the tattoo's color and level of complexity, this can change. At Still Waters Day & Medical Spa, we employ PiQo4 technology to quickly and precisely treat and remove the various colors on your tattoo.

The Result Of Your Kirby-Desai Scale

The Kirby-Desai Scale was created to provide tattoo removal specialists with a clear understanding of the complex procedure. It grades your tattoo according to various criteria, such as the level of coloring inside the tattoo and the degree of scarring surrounding it.

The actual location of your tattoo may also affect how much it will cost to have it removed because some body parts are more challenging to operate on than others. The removal cost will increase as your Kirby-Desai Scale score increases.

How Big Your Tattoo Is

Larger tattoos are more expensive to erase, yet the size is not the only factor that affects cost. Removing a more significant, all-black tattoo can be less expensive than a smaller, multicolored one.

However, in general, expect to pay a little bit more if you have a significant tattoo you wish to remove. It is sometimes possible to erase more extensive tattoos in parts to save expenses and lengthen the process. This could lessen the initial financial stress you bear.

How Your Skin Appears

In general, lighter skin makes tattoo removal simpler. If you have a dark or black tattoo and are fair, you may usually expect to pay less for the removal. However, skin tone does not alone define how affordable or simple the therapy will be.

There are additional elements at play, such as scarring. For a thorough evaluation, speak with one of our pros.

Alternative Techniques For Tattoo Removal

Several "natural" tattoo removal techniques advertise themselves as superior options to laser tattoo removal. Each of them has certain dangers and quirks:

Saline Removal

To dilute the ink and help it to slip out, saltwater tattoo removal includes injecting a saline solution into the dermis. Using this technique, ink is brought up into the epidermis so it may peel off. Although each session is less expensive than a laser, this procedure is rarely efficient and frequently requires additional sessions.

A wound is made to force the ink to the surface, where it will ideally peel off or leak out onto the skin. There is a high danger of scarring and pigmentation damage after repeatedly generating the same incision in the same place.

Saline Removal


This process is simply exfoliation carried to the limit using physical or chemical buffers. This procedure poses a significant risk of skin abnormalities, infection, and scarring.

Tattoo Removal Creams

These at-home creams are designed to fade ink by topical application progressively. Many try to cover up the fact that these lotions contain bleach, which can cause skin damage, scarring, and discoloration.


This technique is occasionally done for tiny tattoos and involves removing the area of skin where the tattoo is situated—excision results in scarring virtually certainly and requires sutures.


FAQs About How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work

How Much Time Will A Session Last?

Laser therapy usually only takes a few minutes, depending on the tattoo's size, intricacy, and color(s). We can have you in and out, usually in fifteen minutes!

Will My Tattoo Require Numerous Sessions To Be Entirely Removed?

A tattoo may only be removed through fading sessions spaced six to eight weeks apart. Black inks react faster than vivid colors because they are better at absorbing light.

How soon we can remove your tattoo will depend on the ink's depth, color, and quantity, as well as the location of the tattoo. In six to twelve sessions, the majority of tattoos may be erased.

How Soon Will My Tattoo Fade?

Most tattoos may be erased with our cutting-edge Pico Laser technology in as few as ten visits, with treatments spaced eight weeks apart. The experts will make a great effort to create a treatment plan and expectations that are unique to you based on the details of your skin and tattoo.

Does Getting A Tattoo Hurt?

Most individuals compare the agony of receiving laser treatment to getting a tattoo because they describe it as feeling like a rubber band snapping against their skin. At Removery, we prioritize ensuring that the process is as comfortable as possible.

Doctors advise using non-aspirin products for minimal discomfort before laser surgery. The use of aspirin or ibuprofen should be avoided since they may cause following bruising therapy.

Our use of the Zimmer Cryo 6 cooling technology also makes us distinctive. Before, during, and after the operation, we chill the skin to lessen discomfort while raising body temperature.

Is This Procedure Safe?

When carried out by a professional expert with laser tattoo removal training, laser therapy is a secure and efficient way to get rid of tattoos.

Does Health Insurance Cover Tattoo Removal

This operation is not currently covered by health insurance. Insurance companies classify this surgery as cosmetic or aesthetic. You CAN NOT use money from your Health Savings Account (HSA), Medical IRA, or other Flexible Medical Spending Accounts (Medical FSA) to cover the cost of the surgery.

Call us for additional details about our interest-free financing options.


If you are considering tattoo removal, find a reputable dermatologist or cosmetic surgery center. Get a recommendation from your primary care physician if possible. Be sure to discuss associated costs up front and obtain all charges in writing before you undergo any treatment.

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