Ever wonder how some people manage to showcase designer outfits, luxury sneakers, and branded bags without spending a fortune?
Here’s the secret: many rely on high-quality replicas sold by online wholesale platforms. These sites offer a wide range of affordable dupes that closely mimic the originals—perfect for those looking to stay stylish on a budget.
In this guide, we’ll reveal the 12 best online wholesale websites to buy replica goods. From handbags and shoes to must-have accessories, these platforms have it all.
Whether you’re looking to revamp your wardrobe or start a small business, you’ll find insider tips to shop smartly, avoid scams, and get the best value for your money.
Let’s uncover the best-kept secrets of replica shopping!
Best Designer Replica Websites
For replica bags, replica sneakers and jerseys, Dhgate is the number #1 replica online wholesaler.
Dhgate sellers sell in bulk as well. Alibaba and Aliexpress come a close second in terms of range of items, although the collection isn't as wide as Dhgate and product discoverability is hard.
Dhgate's products are available directly on the website from trusted sellers. If you know what product you specifically want, then you can ask Alibaba sellers if they can manufacture the,. if you want to shop and buy replicas, Dhgate wins.
The best fake stuff sellers on Aliexpress
The best fake stuff sellers on DHgate

If Alibaba doesn’t make it to this list, I’m not sure what can be. Alibaba is one of the best places to land if you’re looking to buy fake stuff on a wholesale basis. The goods are as real as they can be and the price is soft on your pockets. Taobao, a registered Alibaba seller is one of the biggest players on Alibaba to sell fake and replica products.
Most of the sellers are from China, but the wholesale goods are shipped across the world. They accept various payment methods such as a letter of credit, T/T, Western Union, electronic check payment, PayPal, credit card, Master Card, and VISA.
I tried Alibaba for the first time two years ago and I must say that their collection and pricing of some replica products were pretty amazing. It's not obvious, but it's there. They are well known for their collection of replica designer bags and electronic devices that you can get for nearly a fraction of their retail price.
- Vast collection of cheap replicas
- Cost effective and affordable
- Easy to use website and mobile app
- Can request for samples before purchasing goods
- Delivery takes time if goods are shipped from China
- Have to choose the seller carefully
Best for
- Replica Handbags
- Replica Designer Clothes
- 1:1 Replica Shoes
- Cheap Replica Electronic Devices
Made in China.com

Made-in-China.com is an online marketplace that connects buyers and suppliers from around the world. The website was launched in 1998 and has since become one of the largest B2B platforms in the world. The website is owned by Focus Technology Co., Ltd., a company based in China that specializes in online marketing and e-commerce.
The website offers a wide range of products, including machinery, electronics, apparel, home and garden products, and more. Suppliers from China and other countries can list their products on the website, and buyers can browse and purchase products directly from the suppliers. The website also offers a range of services to help buyers and suppliers connect, including trade shows, sourcing services, and online marketing tools.
One of the key features of Made-in-China.com is its verification system, which helps to ensure that suppliers on the website are legitimate and trustworthy. Suppliers can apply for verification by providing documentation and undergoing a review process. Verified suppliers are given a badge on their profile, which helps to build trust with potential buyers.
The business model adopted by DHGate is similar to that of Alibaba. Typically, the DHGate suppliers don’t pose a high quantity order, so you may also think of this site as a wholesale and retail platform.
You have to be cleaver to shop from these sites especially when you’re looking for something particular. This wholesale replica site does not list the actual brand names, but upon actually visiting the review section, you’ll find that the products look like the original. In cases of confusion, always feel free to contact the seller.

The wholesale replica sellers on these websites cumulatively have over 40 million products listed. Feel free to peruse at your convenience.
DHgate is a site I've fallen in love with thanks to their insanely good collection of replica sneakers. I picked up a pair of replica Jordans and was satisfied from the moment I wore them. The quality of the replica products sold on DHgate are good as long as you pick the right seller.
- Cheap replicas available
- Sellers are responsive and answer queries fast
- Wide variety of products
- Not all sellers offer wholesale deals
- Product names are custom and will take time to find the right products
- Need to conduct research on each seller to find legitimate ones
Best For
- Replica Shoes
- Best Replica Clothes
- Clone Handbags
If you are looking for a cheaper alternative to ebay, AliExpress is a great pitstop. Over here you’ll find the best replica products ranging from mobile phones and electronics to fashion accessories in a wholesale quantity. You’ll find all the fake bags you were looking for to finish your collection.

AliExpress is an umbrella platform for large and wholesale sellers. If you’re looking to start a wholesale business, this is a great place to source your replica products from.
AliExpress is my all time favorite shopping destination for replica electronics and fashion accessories. I picked up a bunch of their replica AirPods a couple of months ago and I must say, they look and feel quite like the original AirPods, so it’s safe to say that AliExpress is the best place to pick up replica wireless earbuds if you’re on a budget.
- Timely delivery for wholesale orders
- They have a great refund/return policy
- Products are made from high-quality materials
- Perfect if you’re starting a business
- Original products are available as well
- Not all of the sellers are genuine
- Some quality issues with particular items
Best For
- Clone Mobile Phones and Accessories
- Wholesale Replica Designer Handbags
- Fake Shoes
- Replica Apple Products

1688.com is a B2B online marketplace owned by Alibaba Group, which is the largest e-commerce company in China. The website was launched in 1999 and is primarily targeted towards businesses and individuals looking to source products from China.
1688.com doesn't let you search for the brand name and buy. For example, if you type in Louis Vuitton, you will not get any search result. But if you search for Designer Bags, then you'll get a lot of replicas & dupes in there.
The platform is similar to Alibaba.com, but it is only available in Chinese language and caters mainly to the domestic market. The website offers a wide range of products including electronics, clothing, home appliances, and machinery, among others.
1688.com has a reputation for offering lower prices than other online marketplaces, but it is important to note that the platform is primarily intended for businesses and individuals who are familiar with the Chinese market and language. The website can be challenging to navigate for non-Chinese speakers, and it is recommended to use a third-party agent or translator to ensure a smooth purchasing process.
Fake bags that you buy online might sometimes actually look fake in comparison to the original branded bags. Bagsheaven is a dedicated online wholesale website that sells fake and replica luxury bags that have an uncanny resemblance to the original. They are registered and trustworthy.
Bagsheaven has made its place in the wholesale world after serving a lot of satisfied customers. Their replica handbags are top-notch, down to the very stitch in the inseam and the leather quality visible outside.
Bagshaven is a fun site with some pretty neat looking replica designer handbags for under $20. Their site is easy to navigate and the collection is limited which makes it great for a quick search. I had the opportunity to pick up a few replica handbags off their site and found that the quality and feel of these replicas are quite spot on with the original.
- Good quality replicas handbags
- The site is easy to navigate
- Adorable pricing
- Site has a limited collection of products
Best For
- Cheap Replica Handbags
Global Sources
Global sources is a recognized and reputed platform that sells wholesale goods and ensures reliable transactions between B2B agreements. You can buy all sorts of replica products here. The fake bags that I came across seemed unreal. The prices are cheap and hard to ignore. No wonder their wholesale business blew up.

The website is a massive wholesale platform and home to 94 of the 100 topmost reliable wholesale sellers that sell globally. The online wholesale and retail platform did not gain 1,5 million international buyers just like that. Years of satisfied and successful transactions made this happen.
- Host to a wide variety of replicas fashion accessories for men and women
- Cost effective pricing
- Quick delivery
- You have to make an inquiry for bulk orders
FashionTIY is a wholesale platform from China that has signed 1000+ factories. It provides services for small to medium enterprises. They have a dropshipping facility as well. The best thing about FashionTIY is that it doesn't have a minimum order quantity (MOQ).

You can also save a lot of money shopping from this wholesaler website. They have one-stop procurement, one time payment as well one order delivery. It’s one of the best sites to shop for fashion related clothing, apparel and accessories wholesale.
You can also find pet accessories, outdoor fun equipment as well as party related stuff on this site. They have plenty of replica items like bags, accessories as well as jewelry.
- Attractive prices on wholesale clothes
- Thousands of products to choose from
- Dropshipping available
- N/A
Best For
- Replica Clothes
- Best Replica Fashion Jewelry
How to Buy Replicas from Replica Websites - Image Search & Keyword Research
The truth is most manufacturers and sellers are available on most platforms. If it's popular, they are on it. Like 1688.com or Made in China which was in the news for going bankrupt lately. To see where you can find the best suppliers, you need to go to the biggest players in the market and that is Aliexpress, Alibaba & Dhgate.
Now my personal experience has been with these three platforms and I've needed no other platform. They cover all the products one might need.
If you are looking to source replicas either for bulk purchases or for individual consumption, you need to understand how these businesses operate.
When I used to purchase reps from Aliexpress, you'd get all the Fake Nikes for $30, direct from the store etc. Now? No way. You enter many big brand names and it'll show no result. So Aliexpress works with hidden links and hidden keywords. Replicas are hidden under the guise of some other product or there is a specific keyword. You can access here the list of secret links and codes.

Only Dhgate now openly sells replicas on their platform. So from a shopping experience, they win. I mean, you literally search for the product you want and you'll find the options and you can buy it in bulk. Check this out.
Alibaba is a bit of a hassle because you need to negotiate with sellers first and you can't place the order directly. There's a lot of chatting involved. But if its bulk, Alibaba is great!
So here's my checklist that you can use
- Aliexpress - Only hidden links & keyword based way to find products. They sell only one unit at a time, generally
- Alibaba - Product discoverability is very hard and you need to talk to the seller before you make a purchase. Negotiation and all that
- Dhgate - Perfect for finding products, perfect for bulk. Dhgate is my pick for bulk wholesale replicas.
Keywords you can use to search for replica products
The only issue with replica products is that you can’t search for the products using brand names or the actual name of the product. It’s illegal for sellers to use trademark names or logos on their products which is why you will have to use alternative search terms along with the name of the category to find replica goods.
Here are some examples.
- AAA copy + name of the category (AAA copy designer handbag)
- Brand name abbreviation along with the category (LV backpack)
- Designer + name of category (Designer dresses)
Similarly, you can also search for the product using the name assigned to it. For example, you can search for fake AirPods as you may not pull up any results on AliExpress. If you search for IWO earbuds (AirPods replica) you will be able to find a bunch of replica AirPods.