If you’ve ever wondered whether DHgate shoes are worth it, you’re not alone. With hundreds of listings, it can be a daunting task to sift through and find the gems.
Trust me, I’ve been there. Over the years, I’ve purchased more than 20 pairs of shoes from DHgate—some have become long-lasting staples, while others sit unopened in my collection. Along the way, I’ve learned what works, what doesn’t, and how to spot a good deal.
In this guide, I’ll answer the most common questions about DHgate shoes, from their quality to whether they include logos. Plus, I’ll share my personal tips to help you avoid the pitfalls of buying online replicas. Let’s dive in!
Check out some of the hottest selling shoes on Dhgate
Do Dhgate shoes look real?
I've gone through hundreds of shoes on Dhgate and in my research I look at a lot of Reddit posts as well. They are as genuine as it comes. Here are a few examples of shoes from Dhgate.
Can you identify if they are genuine or not?
The replica shoes that you find on Dhgate look very similar to the originals. The only difference is the branding and logo may be slightly different. But if you are looking for a perfect replica, then Dhgate will definitely meet your needs.
Here are some of the shoes I've purchased. You can see the differences.

Are Dhgate shoes real?
The answer is, unfortunately, it's difficult to say for certain.
In general, most people would agree that buying shoes from an online marketplace like Dhgate can be a riskier proposition than shopping at brick-and-mortar stores.
The real answer is, it depends. If you are looking for authentic, Nike, Yeezy shoes, then the answer is no. Dhgate shoes are not authentic branded shoes, but they are replica fake shoes.
DHgate shoes are a hit or a miss unfortunately and because of this there has been a trust deficit with the platform.
Do DHgate Shoes come with logos?
No, replica shoes from Dhgate do not have any logos. Because they are dupes. There are differences between dupes & replicas. Dupes are designer inspired which doesn't have a logo, a replica is a counterfeit which rips off the logo of the original as well.
Especially the ones that you buy off the platform. If you want logos on your replica shoes, then you need to speak to the supplier and ask them if they'll add it. Most sellers on Dhgate are responsive and will be able to add logos if you want it.
Does Dhgate Sell Fake shoes?
It's fairly certain that the majority of shoes sold on Dhgate are fake. If you are looking for genuine Nikes, Jordans and other branded shoes, then I would suggest to stay away. You might get a great deal, but more often than not, it's not the real Nike or Jordans brand.
Do Dhgate come with Nike logos?
No, Nike logos are not common on shoes sold off the platform. You may find some sellers who will add them to their shoes but it is not usually part of the design. Dhgate sellers cannot add it because of the copyright infringement. The Nike shoes on Dhgate are designer inspired. You can get a logo added to your shoe privately.