Yeezy sneakers are one of the most sought-after shoes on the market, but their premium price tag makes them out of reach for many sneaker lovers.
That’s why high-quality replica Yeezys have become a popular alternative. If you're looking for affordable fake Yeezy sneakers that look and feel just like the real deal, you're in the right place.
In this guide, I’ll reveal the best websites and sellers offering top-tier Yeezy replicas at unbeatable prices.
Whether you're searching for 1:1 copies with original branding or budget-friendly alternatives, I’ve done the research to help you find the best deals without getting scammed.
Best Website for Fake Yeezy Sneakers
DHgate is the best website to buy fake Yeezys from. Most of the products sold here are made from high grade materials and have been manufactured locally to cut down on production costs.
Products sold on DHgate are usually replicas and fakes and you can easily find 1:1 copies of big brands such as Adidas, Nike, Yeezy and even Balenciaga.
While searching for fake Yeezy sneakers on DHgate, I happened to come across loads of high quality look alikes that not only had all the branding in place, but also came with replica boxes and even the Adidas/Yeezy tag with the sneakers.

Sneakers from the 2022 line up such as the Boost 350 and the 700 v3 Azael were up for grabs at under $80 and others like the knit runners and the October trainers were priced at around $35-$50 a pair which is truly awesome considering a pair of authentic Yeezy Knit Runners can set you back around $500 a pair.
Now, with most websites you will be able to easily spot the differences between fake and real Yeezy sneakers, but on DHgate it’s not so easy as every fake Yeezy sneaker here looks identical to the original.

For example, the replica 700 v3 Azael is super affordable and costs only $55 for a pair. While there are minor flaws such as a small misalignment at the back near the heel and some sections of the rubber cage that are untrimmed, the shoes are really comfortable to wear and provide you with adequate support so you can wear them for long periods of time.

DHgate is a lovely place to buy fake and replica products for cheap. However, the only drawback with buying from DHgate is that since the products are replicas you will not be able to find Yeezy products by simply entering Yeezy in the search bar.
Instead, you will have to search for fake Yeezy sneakers using terms like Kanye West shoes or Yeezies and you will be presented with a wide variety of fake Yeezy sneakers.
- DHgate is a hub for high quality Yeezy replicas
- The fake Yeezy sneakers look legit and authentic
- Products here are affordable and sellers are friendly
- Have to search for fake Yeezy sneakers using alternate search terms
- Have to choose the right sellers carefully
Best for
Alternate Websites for Fake Yeezy Sneakers
Alibaba is a wholesale and retail hub for Chinese goods and is one of the largest marketplaces to buy replica products. Though Alibaba specializes in more electronic products and tech related goods, there is a large collection of replica clothes and footwear available here for extremely cheap.
High quality fake Yeezy sneakers can cost anywhere from $10 to $50 depending on the make and model of the sneakers.
Products sold on Alibaba undergo a similar quality process as AliExpress and all the fake Yeezy sneakers are made from high quality materials including EVA and PU rubber to ensure comfort and durability.

I managed to find a vast collection of fake Yeezy sneakers such as the 2022 Boost 350 v2, 700 v2 Azael and replica Boost 450for around $30 a pair. Each pair is available in different colors and you can find sizes ranging from 5 all the way to 11 for both men and women.

Another sweet pair of fake Yeezys I found was the 700 v3 which is a variant of the Azael and comes with fluorescent rubber netting that glows in the dark. The best thing about these sneakers is that they are customizable if bought in bulk and are quite flexible and comfortable to wear for long periods of time.

I love shopping from Alibaba over AliExpress because the variety of goods is better on Alibaba and the sellers are responsive and friendly.
Also, goods bought from Alibaba would get shipped out faster than DHgate and AliExpress because most of the fake Yeezy replicas are already in stock and can be shipped right away, unless you need some customizations done.
- Alibaba is ideal for wholesale and retail purchases
- Fake Yeezys come with boxes, tags and labels
- Products sold here are affordable and made from high quality materials
- Sellers are friendly and responsive
- N/A
Best for
Another fantastic website to check out for fake Yeezy sneakers is AliExpress. A child company of Alibaba, this online marketplace is your one stop hub for all kinds of China-made goods including and not limited to fake/replica Yeezy sneakers, slides, Nike replicas, Adidas copies and more.
Products sold on AliExpress are available in either retail or wholesale so you can buy a wide range of fake Yeezy sneakers for well under $30 a pair.
It’s relatively easier to find fake Yeezy sneakers on AliExpress rather than DHgate and you’d only have to search for Yeezy to pull up well over 1000 fake Yeezy sneakers and slides that you can buy.
One of the main reasons why I love AliExpress is for the fact that the products sold here have been put through a string of quality checks to determine whether they are made from high quality materials and are worthy to be sold online.

I was able to come across some pretty nice looking, affordable fake Yeezy sneakers and was quite stunned at how well-made they are. While not all fake Yeezys here are 1:1 copies, I will say that a majority of them do come with replica printed boxes and carry the relevant tags and branding on them.
For example, when I picked up a copy of the Yeezy Boost, I found that the sneakers had the Yeezy/Adidas imprint on the inside and it also came with the tag underneath the tongue highlighting the manufacturing country and shoe size.

The other thing I was able to notice was the stitch work done was rather good and I did not find any stitch that was out of place. Considering these sneakers cost roughly $15 a pair, it’s safe to say that it’s worth your money and you get something that’s comfortable, breathable and extremely affordable.

Another fine example of high quality fake Yeezy sneakers is the Yeezy 350 replicas. These 1:1 copies can set you back hardly $23 unlike the originals that cost upwards of $300 a pair.
They are made from high quality PU rubber that feature a lace-up design and have been designed to be true to size.
You can opt to buy fake Yeezy sneakers from AliExpress, but the only reason why this site is third on the list is because of the shipping time and how long it takes you to receive your order from China.
- AliExpress lets you connect with different sellers and manufacturers
- Majority of the fake Yeezy sneakers are made from high quality materials
- Products on AliExpress are affordable
- You can buy either at retail or wholesale rates
- Long delivery time
Best for
Best Fake Yeezy Sneaker Sellers
DHgate hosts numerous sellers who meet these criteria. Here are a few examples of trusted fake Yeezy sneaker sellers on DHgate:
AJfactory offers a wide range of Yeezy replicas at affordable prices, with some pairs priced at around $50-$100. They have a buyer satisfaction rating of 98.1% and provide replicas that closely resemble the originals, including branded tags and packaging.
Sneaker_Seller is another reliable seller on DHgate that offers affordable Yeezy fakes. They have been in the sneaker business for over 7 years and maintain a satisfaction rating of 98.9%. Their replica Yeezys, such as the Boost 350 V2, are priced under $50 and come with branded boxes and tags.

Sportstore350 specializes in Yeezy fakes and has been operating for 4 years with a satisfaction rating of 98.2%. They offer a variety of Yeezy replicas, including the 700 V1 and 350 V2, at discounted prices during their flash sales. Their sneakers are made with a blend of EVA and mesh cotton fabric and come with tags and a branded box.
Classic Sports Shoes
With over 6 years of experience, Classic Sports Shoes is a trusted seller on DHgate. They offer high-quality Yeezy fakes, including versions of the 350, 500, and 450, priced around $45 each. Some of their 350 V2 replicas even come with socks, tags, and a branded box. They have a satisfaction rating of 97.9%.

Sneakergroup Store
Despite being a relatively new store, Sneakergroup has gained trust on DHgate with a remarkable 99% satisfaction rating. They offer a wide variety of fake Yeezys, including popular models like the 700 V2 and Yeezy Knit RNR, at discounted prices. Their replicas are 1:1 replicas with accurate branding and tags.
Designer Shoes Luxury Sneakers
This store boasts one of the largest collections of high-quality fake Yeezys on DHgate. They have a satisfaction rating of 98.3% and offer a range of Yeezy replicas, including the latest models. Their sneakers are made from a blend of PU PVC and EVA, providing softness and flexibility.
How to choose the best website for fake Yeezy sneakers?
Unfortunately, there are a crazy bunch of websites out there that sell fake Yeezy sneakers and a majority of them do not offer high quality products even though they cost a bomb. Here are some easy ways you can find out if the website selling fake Yeezy sneakers is legitimate or not.
- Start by making sure that the website has a valid returns/refunds policy. This will help you in the long run especially if you do place an order and end up receiving sub-standard products.
- Another thing you can keep an eye out for is the payment methods and shipping modes offered on the website. Genuine websites accept a variety of payment modes and have different shipping carriers they are tied up with such as DHL, FedEx and even UPS.
- Go through the website reviews and see if there’s been any complaints about the website and products sold. Keep a check on third party review websites as well as some site owners are known to delete negative comments or reviews.
Fake vs Real Yeezys
Yeezys are truly some of the most iconic pairs of sneakers available and the demand is so high that these sneakers are not available in the market half of the time.
This is primarily why counterfeiters and Chinese manufacturers have taken to mass producing fake Yeezys. In fact the Fake Yeezy market is so lucrative and manufacturers are getting better at cloning the original, that it’s becoming rather difficult to discern between fake and real pairs of Yeezys.
The first thing you need to know is that a genuine pair of Yeezys can fetch upwards of $500 if they are the real deal. This can’t be said about the fakes as even the best quality copy goes for as low as $100-$150 on sites like DHgate and AliExpress.
However, some counterfeiters tend to pass off AAA copies as the real pair and some even go to the extent of pricing it slightly lower than the MSRP to lure customers to buy the shoes claiming they are on discount.
What I can tell you is that apart from the difference in the price there are other things to look out for.
For example, the quality of the original Yeezy 350 V2 Bone sneakers box is premium with well finished edges and folds. The fake box on the other hand will look similar but will be much lighter and the finish is shabby.

You can also tell if the box is fake by checking the sizing sticker on the side. Original Yeezy’s come with 6 sizes on the side for different regions whereas fake Yeezy’s will only have three.
Another thing to look out for is the midsole and sole on the Yeezy’s. The real pair will have a sole that’s made from a premium rubber which is semi-translucent and light. Fake Yeezys are made from a solid material that resembles a low quality rubber.

There’ll also be a difference in the color of the treads when observed under a bright light. Fake shoes will be slightly darker than the real shoes and if you happen to touch the white portion that looks bubbly then a real pair will have a soft piece of boost sole whereas on the fake pair, the boot sole will be rigid and hard to the touch.

You can also find out if the Yeezy’s are real or fake by checking the material and stitch work at the heel of the shoe.
The color of the cloth on the shoe and the rubber sole will not match on the fake and the difference in the shade will be noticeable. However, on the real pair the color of the sole as well as the cloth will be the same shade.

Look closely at the stripe and holes that run along the side of the shoe as well. Though it’s not so easy to notice if you do not have a pair of real and fake shoes to cross examine, the see-through material is thinner and the holes are more prominent on a fake pair and if you find it hard to see the holes then the pair is original.

Both fake and real Yeezy’s will come with the three Adidas stripes on the inside near the heel tab, but upon close inspection you will be able to notice that the measurement, placement and finish of the lines will not be neat or evenly done on the fake pair.

If your Yeezy’s have everything mentioned above then try checking the insole or other things like their tags.
On a fake pair of Yeezy’s the print on the insole will be thin and the word Yeezy as well as the gobe will be a cheap print-on that will fade in a few days. Real Yeezy’s have a thicker font and the text and logo will be neatly done.

Counterfeiters are upping their game and now fake Yeezys come with two tags instead of one and both are attached to the laces. But if your Yeezy’s are original then the shoes will come with around 3-5 tags and not just two.

The final and sure shot way to tell if your Yeezy’s are fake or real is to check the size tag inside the sneaker. Fake Yeezys will have a tag that looks similar to the original, but the font will be thin and the word ‘sample’ will be included on the tag of the fake pair.

The real tag on the other hand has a thicker and even font as well as it mentions the gender of the wearer. There’s a serial number and QR code that takes you to Adidas’s official page if you have a pair of original Yeezy sneakers.
Should you buy Yeezy replica sneakers?
This depends on personal preference as there are some pros and cons attributed to purchasing Yeezy replicas.
Pros of Buying Replica Yeezy Sneakers | Cons of Buying Replica Yeezy Sneakers |
Replica Yeezy sneakers are more affordable than genuine versions, allowing individuals with budget constraints to own a pair of Yeezys. | Replica Yeezy sneakers are made with lower quality materials and workmanship, resulting in potential durability and comfort issues. |
Replica Yeezy sneakers are widely available, making it easier to find and purchase them, especially when compared to limited edition genuine Yeezys. | |
Replica Yeezy sneakers closely resemble genuine models, providing wearers with a similar visual impact and fashion statement. |
Best Website for Fake Yeezy Sneakers FAQ's
Where can I buy fake Yeezy sneakers from?
If you're looking for Yeezy-inspired sneakers, there are various online platforms where you can find replica or similar designs. Websites like Alibaba, AliExpress, and DHgate offer a wide range of options. However, please be aware that the quality and accuracy of these replicas may vary.
Among these platforms, DHgate is often a popular choice for high-quality replica sneakers. They offer a diverse selection of Yeezy replica sneakers at relatively affordable prices. It's worth noting that even the most expensive pair of replica Yeezys on DHgate typically costs under $100.
Is it safe to buy fake Yeezy sneakers from China?
Yes, it’s completely safe to buy fake Yeezy sneakers from China. The quality of the materials used and the fact that the sellers are approachable and easy to talk to help improve your overall buying experience. Also, the only reason why replica products are cheap is because the cost of the raw materials and the manufacturing costs are low, so manufacturers can afford to sell high quality replicas for affordable prices.
What search terms can I use to find good quality fake Yeezy sneakers?
In order to find good quality fake Yeezy sneakers, you can use the following search phrases since using the term “Yeezy sneakers” doesn’t always bring up results on replica websites.
- Fake Yeezies
- Replica Yeezy 350
- 1:1 Kanye West Sneakers
- Kanye West Shoes
- Yeezy Sneakers Copy
- Yeezy Boost Replica