This article will take you through the best fake Alexander Mcqueen shoes and where you can buy them. I’ll even include a few helpful shopping tips you can follow so you don’t get ripped off when buying fake Alexander Mcqueen shoes online.
Let’s Begin!
- Fake Alexander Mcqueen Tread Slick Boots in Black
- Replica Tread Slick Canvas for Women
- Alexander Mcqueen 1:1 Black Oversized Sneakers for Men
- Fake Alexander Mcqueen Wander Boots for Women
Best Fake Alexander Mcqueen Sellers
Who is Alexander Mcqueen?
Well, I'd have to tell you that he's in a league of his own. Alexander McQueen is a British fashion designer well known for his shoes and accessories. His designs show such a unique style and attention to detail, that he's known to be the Giorgio Armani of fashion. His runway shows are a sight to see, and he falls in at number 3 on the list of highest paid fashion designers. It's simply hard not to love the eccentric styles of this Englishman!
Fake Alexander Mcqueen Shoes for Men and Women
First Copy Alexander Mcqueen Oversized Sneakers for Men

Alexander Mcqueen oversized sneakers for men are probably the most popular item on this list. I was able to find hundreds of these fake sneakers online for well under $100 a pair, as compared to the originals that cost upwards of $550.
These fake sneakers are made with high quality EVA and PVC rubber along with soft cotton cloth for the lining. The sizing is great and some sellers even offered 1:1 copies of the Oversized sneakers for approx $60 a pair that came with a replica box and all the Alexander Mcqueen tags and branding in place.
Replica 1:1 Tread Lace Up Boots

These fake Mcqueen boots for women are the best looking copies of the tread lace up i’ve ever seen. Chinese manufacturers have done a phenomenal job of replicating the original design and even including a box, tags and branding for under $40 a pair.
Fake tread lace up Mcqueen boots are made from genuine calfskin and I found the total number of stitches to be on point and an overall clean finish. For the price, these boots are worth buying and they are seriously comfortable to wear. Some sellers like the one I found on Alibaba offer wholesale deals and you can end up with a pair of these high quality boots for roughly $30 a pair.
Oversized Sneaker for Women Copy

Quite like the Oversized sneakers for men, these high quality fake Alexander Mcqueen sneakers are available everywhere and cost under $30 a pair. They are made from good quality materials like Canvas and PVC rubber, but I was able to find a real high quality pair of fake oversized sneakers for women on Alibaba and AliExpress for around $75-$90 a pair.
These sneakers are made from top quality materials like genuine leather, EVA/PVC rubber, and microfiber soft cloth that ensures you feel comfortable and your feet can breathe. These fake Alexander Mcqueen shoes for women are a 1:1 copy of the original and they come with the branding at the back of the sneaker, a replica branded box along with tags and badges.
Fake Alexander Mcqueen Tread Slick Boots in Black

Fake unisex Alexander Mcqueens are slowly taking over the market and their quality is on par with the originals. I’ve seen fake tread slick boots on online marketplaces that are priced rather low. Each pair I found was within the $45-$85 bracket and while that is a vast difference in pricing, the overall quality and finish of the shoes is great.
For example, sellers on DHgate and Alibaba have the Tread Slick boots in a wide variety of colors to choose from and they come with the Alexander Mcqueen branding on the side of the boot, just like in the original. Some even include branded packaging to give you an authentic Alexander Mcqueen experience.
Replica Tread Slick Canvas for Women

You can even find replica Alexander Mcqueen tread slicks for women in red, pink and even off beige. These replicas are affordable, yet again and are available in all colors and sizes. The ones I found on Alibaba were not exact 1:1 replicas but carried the same design, sans any branding. They are made from cotton fabric, PU, Canvas and are comfortable to wear for long periods of time.
Some sellers such as the one on DHgate that I interacted with offered customizations on my order at no extra charge. I requested them to have the branding included in the order and they were able to deliver high quality 1:1 look-alikes with a box and Alexander Mcqueen tags included in the package.
Alexander Mcqueen 1:1 Black Oversized Sneakers for Men

The black oversized is one of the hottest looking pairs of fake Alexander Mcqueen sneakers for men and women. They’re sleek, have a nice finish with all black stitch work and a hard rubber air cushion undersole. These fake sneakers have been made with every detail in place and come with a replica branded box and appropriate Alexander Mcqueen branding on the shoes.
Each pair goes for around $70-$90 on DHgate and Alibaba. You may not find many copies of these black oversized sneakers on AliExpress, but considering the quality of the products you get on Alibaba and DHgate, AliExpress should be the least of your worries. If you’re planning on buying these shoes wholesale then Alibaba is your best bet with the lowest price of $70 a pair on wholesale and bulk orders.
Fake Alexander McQueen Wander Boots for Women

Another popular item that’s trending today is the Wander boots from Alexander Mcqueen. The Chinese fakes are flying off the shelves like hot cakes, simply because everyone wants a pair of Mcqueens for cheap. These boots are lightweight, comfortable to wear and are made from high quality sheepskin and EVA rubber bonded with leather.
These variants are ankle-rise and unlike the original that come with steel tip toes, these fake versions don’t have the steel plates, but are reinforced with leather. These boots are for women and you will be able to find sizes ranging from 5 through to 8. At under $50, these are some of the best fake Mcqueen boosts you can buy today.
How to Spot Fake Alexander McQueen Sneakers?
Now that you know how good the quality of these fakes are, let me take you through a couple of ways you can spot a fake pair of Alexander McQueen sneakers.

The first method involves checking the rubber used and the stitching on the midsole. A real pair of McQueen will have a rubber sole that carries an interesting design. The thicker section of the sole is contoured on the original pair and the texture shifts from smooth to grainy. The stitching on a real pair will stop where the texture changes from smooth to grainy and this will not be found on a fake pair.

While at the front of the shoe, check the holes and see if they’re in a straight line. A real pair will also have holes that are well made and blend nicely into the material. A fake pair will have punch holes that are not evenly spaced or are not in a straight line and they will have frayed edges giving the shoes an unclean and unfinished look.

The next method will require you to check the heel of the shoes and by closely examining the heel tab a real pair will have a straight finish whereas the tab on a fake will curve. Also the Alexander McQueen branding on the heel is bolder and brighter on the real pair and the letters are evenly spaced. A fake pair will be shiny, but lack the same quality and letters won’t be evenly spaced or aligned.

You can also check if your shoes are real or not by lifting the tongue and checking the print underneath it. There are two things you will notice, first the placement of the text will not match the original and the font of the text will also be incorrect and will curve a little more than the original.

The logo on the tongue will be another giveaway on whether the shoes are real or not. A real pair of McQueens will have the logo embedded in the leather and will be evenly spaced and have a neat finish. A fake pair will be printed on the tongue and the letters will not be neat and tidy. Also, the stitching on the tongue will be placed closer to the edge on a real pair but will be wider on fakes.

The final method is the outsole method where you check the underside of the shoes and focus on the logo and rubber. Real Alexander McQueen shoes will have a centrally positioned logo and the raised edges of the box will blend into the sides of the sole. A fake pair will look chunkier and everything will be darker and more prominent unlike the smooth appearance of the original pair.
Which are the best websites to buy fake Alexander McQueen Shoes for Men and Women?
There are numerous websites out there that claim to sell high quality fake Alexander McQueen shoes, but not all of them are reliable. Based on my extensive research conducted into the topic, I have drawn out three websites that host some of the best quality fakes money can buy.
Alibaba, AliExpress and DHgate are three central hubs that you can visit if you want to pick up replicas of big brands such as Alexander McQueen, for cheap. The high quality replicas sold on these sites are all made from premium materials, similar to the ones used to make the original pair of McQueen shoes.
I personally felt that Alibaba has the best selection of fake Alexander McQueen shoes for men and women amongst the three and is probably the only site where you’d be able to receive a quick response from the seller. Also, if you’re planning on starting a shoe business then this website is the perfect place for you to buy fake Alexander Mcqueen shoes at wholesale rates.
How to choose the right seller for fake Alexander Mcqueen shoes?
If you are looking to buy a pair of alexander mcqueen shoes, it's very likely that you will land on the alexander mcqueen fake shoes. This is why it's a good idea to know the tell-tale signs of a fake pair.
It's up to you to decide whether you want to get a cheap replica or something that’s of better quality. Whichever one you choose, make sure that you buy from a reputable seller.
There are many sellers who will not hesitate to sell you something that does not meet your expectations. That is why it’s important to go through the seller details and check the reviews/ratings of the seller. This will tell you whether the seller is legitimate and reputable or if he/she is a fraud selling substandard stuff.
So, make sure that you know what you are buying. Another thing to remember is to buy from someone who will refund you in case you do not like the product. This is important because you’re not going to be able to see the actual product until it has arrived at your doorstep. A seller with a refund/returns policy in place will not only help build confidence in the buyer, but if something happens to go wrong, they will accept a return of the product and will either refund you in full or replace the item at no extra charge.
Fake Alexander McQueen Shoes for Men and Women : FAQ’s
Is it safe to buy fake Alexander McQueen shoes?
Are Alexander McQueen's made in China?
Why are fake Alexander McQueen shoes cheap?